If countries are like businesses as Gene Simmons states, is it fair to assert that war is a product of collectivism or socialism?
If one country has a capitalist economy and another has a socialist/collectivist economy, would it (following the notion that countries are businesses) be safe to say that one’s ultimate product is more likely war than the other? Â With those two economies in mind, what type of businesses might they be?
As a capitalist economy lends itself to less regulation and ultimately the greater good of the individual at the individual’s own expense, (because in capitalism you are responsible for yourself), might a capitalist nation function like an eBay where the nation’s  greatest product is not a specific product but the product as a marketplace?  When the product IS the marketplace, where one is free to buy and sell as they see fit (where risk and reward belong to the individual), a nation pursuing this course would be obliged to interact with other nations in a straightforward non-coercive manner.
As a collectivist or socialist economy lends itself to greater regulation and ultimately the greater good of the group, at the expense of the individual, (because in collectivism, you are free to do anything, except to fail; failing necessitates support from the system as paid for by everyone else), might a socialist or collectivist nation function like an electrical power company?
If there is heavy demand on the power grid, the system may be required to output more than it has the capacity to do resulting in blackouts, or higher costs to the consumer. Â Since an electrical power company only sells one product (electricity), they really have only three options to increase their profits: get new customers, increase the cost of electricity, or decrease service and therefore expenses.
As the electrical power company we are speaking of is not a power company, but a nation, is the only viable method of increasing business acquiring new customers ie. conquering other countries? Â Meanwhile, wouldn’t the necessary costs to your own consumers/citizens increase while you simultaneously decrease the services you offered in the first place (after all, you have to lay groundwork to accommodate all of those new ‘customers’?)
Since collectivism/socialism rely on other people’s efforts, and people are a finite resource, would not all forms of collectivism result in death and war? Â If this question intrigues you, you would enjoy the “Introduction” of F.A. Hayek’s “Road to Serfdom” where he addresses how it was the advanced stage of collectivism in Germany that yielded National Socialism ie. Nazism.