Staten Island Finally Secedes

In years past some Staten Island politicians have suggested Staten Island would be better off if it seceded from New York City.  Last Thursday night at Karl’s Klipper  on Staten Island, an upstart Staten Island Libertarian Chapter (SILC?  SILP? RCLP?) seceded from the Manhattan LP.  Since no organized chapters existed in Richmond and Bronx Counties, those counties were organized together with New York County.  But no more for Libertarians in Staten Island. New York State LP bylaws require the new chapter vote to secede in these cases.

SILP was born full blown with two dozen members and as many as 4 possible candidates.  That’s some baby.  I’m not sure anyone knows who the father is.  Maybe there are several. I’m pinning it on Richard Bier who has been at this for many months – may as well be nine.

Anyway officers were elected:

  •  Edward Stehlin, Chairman
  •  Richard Bier, Vice-Chairman
  •  Dave Narby, Secretary
  •  Brian DeMarzo, Treasurer
  • Tom Vendittelli, Director of Recruitment and Fundraising

SILP expects 3 or 4 candidates in November:

  • Fran Powers (Congress-McMahon’s seat)
  •  Brian DeMarzo (Assembly-Tabacco’s seat)
  •  Tom Vendittelli or Dave Narby (Assembly-Cusick’s seat)
  • Vendittelli (Senate- Lanza’s seat)

I’m not sure what that last bit means. I just copied it from Rich’s email.

There were about 20 members present.  I was impressed by the optimism, the excitement and the focus.  There are some members with an obvious penchant for theory and principle as well as some that are practical and experienced.  It’s a young group by comparison (of course I single handedly raise the average in the MLP by a decade or so).  One thing is sure, this is a group to watch.

Congratulations to the members of the Staten Island Libertarian Party.  You guys are always welcome in the Manhattan LP.

Manhattan Libertarian Party