Ron Paul Certified Election Results for NYC

The Board of Elections has finally posted certified results for the primary earlier this month. Some guy named McCain won the Republican raceĀ in a landslide, as expected, but we know you’re all dying to find out how Ron Paul did in your neighborhood. So without further ado:

  • 4,705 votes (5.9%), 4th place citywide
  • 1,363 votes (6.2%), 4th place Manhattan
  • 415 votes (7.3%), 4th place Bronx
  • 1,044 votes (6.3%), 3rd place Brooklyn
  • 1,351 votes (6.2%), 4th place Queens
  • 532 votes (4.0%), 5th place Staten Island

So Ron Paul had his highest percentage total in the Bronx and his best ranking in Brooklyn. He did the worst in both percentage terms and in ranking in the relatively Republican stronghold of Staten Island, finishing even behind Giuliani, who had already dropped out of the race.

And, zooming in to my home Assembly District 66 on the Lower East Side, Ron Paul got 19 votes for an impressive 12.1% and third place. I’d like to think at least some of that is due to my canvassing efforts among my neighbors. (And I don’t even know if they actually counted the affidavit ballots filed by my wife and me, since they couldn’t find us in the voter book.)

View the results for your own assembly district, congressional district and more here.

Manhattan Libertarian Party