THE UKRAINE DEBACLE: What we, as Libertarians, have a duty to know about the conflict

By Mikhail Kholodov Being a member of the Libertarian Party, I cannot help but stare in amazement at the countless one-sided accounts of the conflict that is gripping Ukraine.  The story we hear from the myriad media outlets can be summarized in just a few words:  the people of Ukraine have revolted against their tyrannical

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February Meeting Tomorrow

The February meeting will be held tomorrow, February 11th, at 7pm at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant (2nd Ave between 8th and 9th). Our speaker is Dr. Tom Stevens. He will be giving a presentation titled, President John Knox Polk: Napoleon Of The Stump. Topics included in the presentation by Dr. Tom Stevens regarding President

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Rand Paul and The New York Times

This past Sunday, January 26, 2014, The New York Times had a front page article about Rand Paul.  My take: -The article had lots of useful information.  It reminds us to not idealize politicians.  Libertarians are more likely than most to avoid placing faith in politicians, although we obviously like some more than others. -People

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Smoke ’em if You Got ’em

Many of us might hate smoking, but there’s no more important battleground for recognizing our rights of self-ownership.  Scientific American asked me for the libertarian take on anti-smoking laws: Moreover, the limitation of 18-year-olds should offend a population of legal adults, said Janet Hopf, president of the Manhattan Libertarian Party. “Eighteen year olds should be

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Out of the Country

I am leaving for a trip out of the U.S.  I had thought of writing a sarcastic piece asking the President to refrain from attacking me while overseas.  This is too serious a matter for sarcasm.  President Obama has authorized the killing of at least two overseas American citizens he deemed terrorists.  Bush claimed the same

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“There’s No Quit Here”

“There’s no quit here,” was Gary Johnson’s message last night at a fundraiser for the New York Libertarian Party.  The 2012 presidential candidate shared his insights from the campaign with the packed room, including New York City’s 2013 candidates. Johnson worked his way up from endless “internet radio” interviews to the national stage, where he

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Manhattan Libertarian Party