MLP Monthly Meeting with Hesham El-Meligy on Shariah the Libertarian

Hesham El-Meligy is an interfaith and community activist who lives on what he calls “the proud and independent state of Staten Island.” His mission is to build bridges of understanding and respect between people from different religions, cultures, and backgrounds in America and around the world. As an American who was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt, he has the unique ability to put today’s hottest topics about America and the Middle East in proper perspective. He reaches out to the community with his presentations and dialogues about the true teachings of Islam, provides an overview of the Arab and Muslim world, and what it is like being Muslim in today’s world. He is the founder of the Islamic Civic Association and a co-founder of Muslims for Liberty, the Building Bridges Interfaith Coalition, the New York Neighbors for American Values Coalition, and the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms. He received the “Peacemaker” award from Peace Action in 2009 and writes a blog on the Staten Island Advance website.

Manhattan LP monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday each month at the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant , 140 Second Ave, NY, NY (near 9th St.). The meeting begins at 7:00. Speakers start around 7:30. Meetings are free and all are welcome.

Manhattan Libertarian Party