Happy New Year! GUEST POSTING from Marcy Berry

Happy New Year’s to Libertarians and supporters of Liberty from West Coast to East and freedom lovers around the world. A few weeks ago, MLP solicited members, supporters, and friends for guest submissions. In the block quote below, enjoy a ‘toast’ to the spirit of freedom in 2012 from Marcy Berry of the Libertarian Party of San Francisco!

2011 changed the hierarchical paradigm.  “The Protester” was Time’s  Person of the Year, and OWS took on the pepper spray and won.  Ron Paul, no longer “who?,” has put “libertarian” on the political table.  Gary Johnson, as a nationally-recognized name, will do the same for “Libertarian.”
This is an amazing opportunity for grass roots libertarians/Libertarians to be heard; and we Libertarians have been working for years on flipping the hierarchical paradigm in favor of the individual over the state.
Thus, in the spirit of the Libertarian mantra of individual liberty and individual responsibility, I hereby repost “People Over 35 Should be Dead.”  This anonymous hymn to the individual contains gems such as, “We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes…We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.
In other words, we make the choice as to who is paramount, the individual or the state.
Many thanks to Marcy Berry. Please enjoy the link to "People Over 35 Should Be Dead" an awesome satirical post that shows 'what a wonder' it is anyone born before 1980 made it out alive! (not the mantra of socialists hoped for affect via Obamacare.)
Manhattan Libertarian Party